I’ve found love under the starry moonlight,
I’ve found a Ruby amidst coals,
I’ve found life in a barren place,
I’ve found passion where I least expected,
Where I least envisioned,
In the slightest,

Before you came along I was lost in bedlam, a place of utter anarchy,
Battles fought from within, whilst living in the world so dead,
Before you came along each day was a slog of nothingness,
Darkness in the whole,
My heart heavy from the never slackening forlorness,

I know I act vexatious at times,
I know I’m no close to perfection,
But I hope my infinite affections overshadow
My shortcomings, fingers crossed,

A whole new world is unlocked evertyime we touch,
Everytime we look each other’s in the eyes, no words
In between except occasional smiles,

I’d promise you the heavens but I’m no deity,
I’d promise you the riches of the world but I’m no wealthy,
I’d promise you precious pearls and diamonds,
I’d promise you the moon and stars,
I’d promise you whatsoever your heart desires,
Except I’m afraid,
I’m afraid I can’t,
But what I can do is
Love you entirely and endlessly.


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