I asked you of the places you would want to visit and people you’d want to meet and you kept going on and on about the beautiful beaches in Hawaii, the sky scrapers in Dubai, the nature in Bali but there’s one little detail that you forgot. You forgot that you are an entire universe with a million things to explore. You forgot to mention the golden streets that grace your world, and maybe it’s because you kept searching for a golden treasure box in other people, in other places that you forgot you held a crown with diamond stones. And every time someone said you are pushy or arrogant, you removed a diamond stone to make it easier for them to carry your crown. You forgot that no one owes you anything, not loyalty, not support because the world existed for billions of years before we came and we shall depart like dust and life will go on, so at the end of the day, you only have you.
So you cheer yourself on when no one else does, you sit at the front row and savour every moment. You love every line on that tear stained face, you love every scar, cause it doesn’t make you ugly, it makes you artistic and art is not meant to be understood, it’s meant to be loved. So you love the good, you love the dark and the scary and you learn to find home in the dark creepy streets of your heart, you don’t run away, instead you plant flowers and you bring your own sunshine. Learn to search for love from deep within because you cannot give out what you don’t have so let love and joy and kindness overflow from your heart.
Learn how to be patient with yourself, to take each day as it comes, you don’t have to save the world, you have to save you from you so this is a gentle reminder you can either be your greatest enemy or your best friend. So always speak words of kindness even when no one is listening. And I hope the next time someone asks you to mention the most beautiful things in the world, I hope your name comes first?