I had a dream last night
My beautiful nation in a fight
Citizens battling for their right
Desiring to make the future bright
I wished to be an army
So I could go into battles for my nation
Meet my death on a foreign nation
Then be respected with twenty one gun shots
For my life which was short
That becomes the end of a soldier
And his love for the nation
I wished I was a police
So I have the right to arrest
Innocent youth on the street
And demand bribes from them
Or make false accusations against them
That they possessed illegal drugs
So they are sentenced to prison
I wished I led a university
So I make very tough regulations
Forcing the students to go on a strike
Then charge them heavy surcharge fee
So I get more to pocket
I wished to be a politician’s daughter
So my account be filled with millions
Looted from the suffering citizens
Left for hunger to kill
I wished I was an online preacher
So I threaten people on my posts
To type amen and share
Or be poor for the rest of their lives
YouTube: https://youtu.be/AdcHAtCqpDo