Behold the fair princess looms from her chambers,
Floating on the spiral staircase in a dazzling
White dress, white as snow,
The ball halts to honor her graceful descent,
Her glimmer catches the eyes of hundreds of suitors in the hall,
Suitors who stand on their toes to steal a glimpse
Of such beauty,
They stare in sheer amazement, the mouth wide agape,
She scans the ballroom like
An eagle in search of a prey,
Her eyes sweeping every square inch,
For the one she knew once upon a life,
The one who saw beyond the glamour,
The one before all the splendour,
The one before the beauty, when
She stood with missing front teeth and her
auburn hair in disarray,
The one she made out with in the stables,
Young love is simply beautiful,
Our eyes locked, she smiled,
I smiled back, it might have come
Out as a grin, so I’ve been told, but
Nonetheless she knew
I was inexorably delighted,
Behind all that beauty and luxury was a girl,
A girl who asked for nothing but love, an
Unconditional love, a love with no strings attached,
I pose a knight in shining armour!