I know people will say
They’ll tell you my yesterday
They’ll remind you how I forgot your birthday
They’ll tell you I can’t afford a holiday
They’ll tell that I’ll hurt you someday
They’ll tell you to runaway
They’ll try that in everyway
They’ll give every reason not to stay
My faults they’ll make clear
Some that I can’t bear
They’ll say I can’t afford your footgear
They’ll say all I want is to remove your underwear
They’ll say I’ll leave you in tears
They’ll say I’ll leave you as a drear
That I’m indebted and in arrears
They’ll say I’m mean
They’ll say I’m not clean
Everything they’ll say will be to demean
Of course the future is unforeseen
Maybe I can’t take you swim in the ocean
It doesn’t mean I’ll not own a screen
Everything under the sun is seen
And so is my love so just be keen