What if tomorrow comes?
And you fail taking my call
And you fake your smiles
And talk it all outside
What if that day comes?

What if I fall inside a pit?
Then my whole world turns black
Then all my body became pale
And my eyes sunken
When it comes would you still be my friend still?

What if all my successes went gray?
And all my green left in patches
And all I can count on are watches
So times moves first till I die
Would you take a pause, wait and walk with me?

When tomorrow’s nakedness cover me
When the morning takes long to come
When the soils harms my feet
When my thirst gets greater
Would you still be my love girl?

What will change is how I look,
How far my arms can go
My silver worth of dressing
My strength of voice
But not my heart and soul.
So, would you stay in my farm of thorns,with me?

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