Meanwhile mama did torture
Every evening she would lecture
This wasn’t the future
She raised me to fracture
This wasn’t relentless
But I had to address my weakness
But there was something on process
Soon I was to show her the progress
So there was this idea
We got while drinking tea
We wanted to start a company since ever
It sometimes gave us fever
We were to takeover and deliver
Soon our problems were to be over
So John was like,
“What do we like?”
I was like, “bro be awake we’re broke!”
It’s his head he had to shake
I replied “It’s partying and eating!”
He was like “I love music and singing!”
I was like “okay bro millionaires in the making!”
We were making arrangements without even savings
So we went for a club
And a recording studio
So we sought for finance
We took every chance
We had to better our circumstances
At that instance
In no time mama was like “I’m proud of you son”
Swiftly we were moving on
But one evening
After hours of working
This lady was walking
She left me soaring
An eye on her I was keeping
This time I never hesitated!
Watch out for part 07