I can’t bear it anymore
I can’t bear the reflection of
This wry face
I can’t bear the gloom that besieges
The dark clouds rolling over my head
I’ve scoured and I haven’t sighted a silver lining
I can’t bear the infamy
I can’t bear the burden weighing down on me,

I try to act burly except I’m not
Whenever I play to be sturdy
In split second I’m faced with the reality
A reality that I’m not, a saddening actuality

I’m frail
Bound for epic fails
But I try
My will tested dozens of times
Only to be blown to smithereens

I’m lost in a wraithlike place
A place where dreams die and rot
Where the stench chokes every tad of
The fight in someone
A place where shame is more sore
Than the sting of a hornet
Than a stab to the heart

I bury my face in my sweaty palms
That discerns letdowns
Whilst it melts
To goo
Never to be seen again

I’m in the worst of places
I’m desperately reaching out
I’m freaking out to the bone
Someone save me
Someone hear these wails

I’m limping
Crippled by hopelessness
I can’t lean
For the reason that there
Isn’t where to.

Note: There ain’t giving up on life. When you get lemons make lemonade, when you get a black eye after life has punched you in the face, paint the other and let it go for a makeup. Remain hopeful, forward is worth and what’s worth is wealth.


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