One of the greatest people I have always admired and loved in my little span in this globe Sir Winston Churchill once sayed:It will be of no use saying”We’re doing our best”,you have to succeed in doing what is necessary. Back then most of us had that perspection that they’re not doing good in a certain field simply because they lack certain resources which others have.Take for instance a student in a National School and one in a district school. The one in a district school will feel that he or she can’t compete or be compared with the one in a National School. What the student fails to know is that both teachers were taught similar concepts in their respective institutes of learning. The only difference is that one might have been older in the proffesion thus getting promotions. Remember what we choose to emphasise in this complex history will dertemine our lives.If we see only the worst then it will destroy the capacity in us to do something. The Bible simply talks about whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.So keep in mind that your environment will never define you but you’re the one to define it.Just give yourself to move on keeping in mind the importance of focus. Look at yourself as someone whose body is in the process of healing and concentrate on the positive parts. Parting shot: Winners must have two things. Definite goals and a burning desire to achieve them.