To the world she’s Gael the Poetess
With eyes as those of a lioness
Her favorite mortals are poets
With whom she writes duets
Messy she gets with this ink
Longing to always send a link
She’s a daughter of fate
Up she grew in hate
None away wiped her dusty tears
None comforted her in her fears
Against the tide she swam
No shield against harm
She’s not bent but broken
Broken beyond repair
Her life all uneven
Full of desires of despair
But she ain’t a heathen
Out here hope wonders in the lair
She never chose to be insane
For all her efforts were in vain
On her don’t place the blame
Cause she never chose to be lame
Her hands are tied
Fighting for freedom she has tried
Down she sits
As reality hits
The burden is getting heavier
She longs for a savior
One to give her a lighter yoke
To be here strength as a rock