The fight against Covid 19 starts by us,
You can help save lives without being a nurse,
Or you can help spread it to people and make the disease worse,
Covid 19 is real, it kills, this is not a farce,
STAY home as much as you can,
Even this way you will still have fun,
You could read books and watch movies,
Or spend quality time with families.
SOCIAL distance if you must go out,
Avoid crowding inside a bus,
Or anywhere there are many people, a mass,
Because the virus settles in air for hours.
MASK wearing is not to please the Police,
Lowering it is a health risk at its worse,
This is an invisible enemy in the air,
Prevent it as it’s effects we can’t bare.
WASH hands often with soap,
Or use a sanitizer with 70% alcohol,
This helps control Covid 19 as we hope,
But if not observed increase the death toll.
SEEK medical attention whenever you feel sick,
It may be fever, dry cough or sore throat,
Act quick before you become overwhelmed and week,
The ministry of health has given a hot line number to call.