The wind moves turbulently, pushing away everything in its path
The birds are not at ease, screaming here and there
Clothes are tossed into the air, hats wiped off people’s head
Mothers are screaming at their young, run into the house, take this into the house
Trees move in submission, to the almighty wind
There’s chaos everywhere
It’s a violent sunset, a storm is here
A storm that for a long time has built from within
My heart stopped bleeding, now it pumps ink
My hands are no longer itchy, all they do is paint
And from blue, the hues of the ocean will turn red
My mind is a tomb no more, not for your memories
But an art studio, projecting all my emotions
My heart broke free from its ribcage, now as free as birds of the air
You are hurting, I know
For these are but words of a broken soul
I beg you understand, for you my heart no longer beats
You belong in my past, for my feelings for you
I buried in the deepest darkest depths
Of I don’t give a damn
Them I see as a monster, in the deep blue see
My soul you say is broken, who I’m I to blame
My heart beats are crackled, from the sword you pushed in
My love to you I confessed, in the best possible way
What else could a girl ask for from a man
If not the promise of an eternity of love
Fly away sailor, you bleed feelings from your lips
In my world you don’t belong
A world without love, a world without care
No feelings attached, just fun
And everybody is happy, as long as they get what they want
You speak of love with such hatred, as though you’ve never encountered it
You speak of a world full of fun, but all I hear is solitude and carelessness
You speak of contentment in your new world, didn’t I offer you everything
At the expense of my sanity
And now I suffer moon-hard madness
Come back to me my love, save me from me despair
Speak no love to me, for I have found a new lover
He is much better, twice as you will ever be
You have no experience with anything
You romance as though you are on practice, an intern, a novice
You have no worldly possession, nothing to offer
To appreciate my beauty
Forget my name, unpaint my picture in your mind
I am even ashamed of calling you my x
You don’t deserve to be loved
You’ve tainted my world dark,
If you wish leave, I am not in your way
I may not be your favorite person, but I am human who deserves
Every bit of sanity
Let me bleed out my love on paper, for it will never reject me
Though my soul is broken beyond redemption, I pray I get my sanity back
I will seek you no more, and you will seek me not even once
In this lifetime we shall never meet, neither see eye to eye
I don’t intend to be your enemy, neither should you name me an ally
Your god will be my demon, and my demons will reign over you
Your people will be my enemies, and my enemies will share a table with you
Your blessing will be my curse, a curse to me will be in your favor
Tread well my old friend,
For these are our sunset vows…. #LUNAR