I know you’re past puberty
But you’re at liberty
To call me names not mine in reality
Remember they aren’t mine
You can call me times nine
But that won’t dislocate my canine
Or stop me from buying my car no. Nine
Many people see light
And it seems bright
But deep inside there’s darkness
A blackout without a checkout
I know I’m never right all the time
But you don’t know what’s left
After cutting short my happiness
My joy because you don’t believe in me
Trust me something in me is great
And I won’t retreat
Because I know a doctor who can treat
And so I’ll be me
No matter what you say to me
Because I love me
In my life I’m ever positive
And that’s how I’m creative
I’m objective and proactive
And at the end of it all I’ll achieve
That which I set
A setback won’t upset
I can backup and reset to offset
I’ll start over
I’ll not stagnate forever
I’ll be an achiever
In whatever
Without a favour
Not having fever