Is it fitting for one to walk away from coziness
To live in a desolate domicile?
Is it suited for one to fall for a woman’s beauty
Only to whisk it away at the earliest opportunity?
Is it apt to have a woman blubbering akin to
A kindergartner at your account?

Do you find it amusing when you draw near
And your children cower behind their mother
Your wife, shrouded in trepidation?
Do you find it amusing your family has drifted afar yet before you?

Do you fancy the cruelty you portray?
Are you too inebriated in your ego that
You can’t see the despair that looms
In your presence?

Do you fancy having your knuckles crash
The jaw of the woman you swore to love and hold to the heart?
Instead you hurt
You hurt the woman you kissed passionately at the altar
Before God, have you forgotten?
Do you evoke your lips touching whilst
Hundreds watched and cheered in exhilaration?

In case you forgot, she forfeited plenty,
If you aren’t primed to have her as an equal,
Perhaps you’re unworthy of her adoration, perhaps
You’re unworthy of all the love there is till you do

The hour has befallen,
To shake things up,
To break the shackles down,
To sever the horrendous cycle of violence,
Gender violence belongs to the past, and that’s where it should be.


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