She lifted her finger once
But what landed on my cheek
Was a rough fist
That blew my brains open

It dawned to me
It’s time to walk
Walk and fear turning to salt
So look not back

But the caress of her fist
Touched my heart
I remembered I was all she had
So I gently closed the open door in my skull

Stayed a little longer
Enjoyed some more bruises
Craved some more intimacy
With the harsh words she lashed at me

She had gotten to my nerves
And the mental weight was too much
But I felt a little too old for suicide
So I opted to live hopeless

I put all my dreams on my bed
Covered them neatly with the sheets
Perfectly as she taught me
Knowing one day she’ll marry me off
Perhaps some day, I’d get married to my freedom.


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