Tick tock……Tick tock
The clock on the wall keeps ticking
Sunset is quickly setting in
The air around is getting thick and heavy
And soon breathing will be just but a luxury
Dusk is here already, embracing all with total darkness, midnight darkness

With eyes so weary, she limps around one last time
Just to have a quick look, if everything is in place
For her dead husband will awaken soon
And his ghost will roam the house in rage
Destroying everything in its path
Yes the house is neat and clean
She has already prepared warm water for him to shower when he gets back
Only this time she hopes, the water doesn’t turn to be
Her swimming pool

She limps to the kitchen, she’s weary, she’s tired
The food is warm already, she’s been warming it the whole day
For ghosts do not feed on cold food,
Neither do they feed on hot food
They like their food just at the right temperature
She sighs,
It’s all okay
The children all clean and in bed, so early
But why so early
Ghosts feed on young children

Her wounds are starting to bleed because of her commotion
She tries to weep but her wells are dry
She’s angry, deep inside, but powerless
She decides to rest in her front yard, and await her ghost husband

Soon she hears the cries of war from a distance
She hears the war drums being beaten
The warrior is bellowing in rage
War is here, here home is to be raided, again
She prepares for war, but every inch of her body hurts
She has no place left to be buttered today
Maybe she’ll give out her arms, she thinks
But no, it’s broken
Maybe her left foot, but no
She has no left foot
What will she do?

The warrior is here, his breadth full of cheap alcohol
The devil is here
He wants his due
The widow only watches
And waits for his wrath. #LUNAR

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