Among the wives
Natasha was the youngest
She had the perfect curves
And was the prettiest
She was the young lady who forgives
Whose heart was the purest
She was humble unlike others whose mouths spoke explosives
And with a personality the rarest
Though her eyes were bright
That gave a slight light at night
You’ll be shocked at what she thought
What she went through made her loose weight
She always had a beating not light
Yet we all know it isn’t right
And he did it in broad daylight
Straight to our eyesight
She was denied financial resources
Of which she knew their sources
Even when she makes a sauce
“who said women should control resources? “
Was Bill’s say even when there were diseases
So she was left with no choices
And these weren’t virtues but rather vices
In this society a woman is a princes
Yet they don’t have voices
She endured verbal insults
I imagine how he had the guts
The insults were her daily gifts
In a modern society where tweets in streets
Could predict sleets
“Morning loser?” was her greets
He would tell her;
Just like their neighbor Caren
You can’t get children you’re barren
After the miscarriage of a rape product
That a whore is what she is
That even her parents didn’t love her
They couldn’t believe her
They didn’t even love her
The pain was too much to bare
She ran away