I asked God why
Why is it that am always unlucky
Why is it I never get the chance
Just a moment to unleash my demons
Maybe a minute is enough to say everything in one sentence
But instead I take a century of emotions and feelings
Why is that Satan always seems to win
And every battle ends before starting.
Why did you have to leave
Why I didn’t get the time to say it
Maybe time wasn’t right
Maybe I was still understanding you
Maybe I never thought you would leave
Maybe I thought you saw it all and understood
So when you left I said you didn’t want me
Like the wind blows
So is what we had
Like the river dries
So it happened to that opportunity
Like a messenger waits
So will I
Like it was before
It will always be till the end of times
But I keep asking myself
Why did I take so long
Or maybe where you so fast you never saw me on waiting list
But I’ll never hate the storm
For such is life.
©Lost love