Iam a man not a woman,
I have been raised up by a woman,
My life has changed because of that woman.
But still I am a man.

Look at the palm of my hands,
Feel the scales on my skin,
Touch and hold my toes,
Do they look great?

Listen to my beat,
Examine my temperature,
Look at my face
Do they match?

I’ve lived with women,
But conditioned to be a man
I was never told to open up,
But rather man up.

This is the only disease that keeps eating me,
It’s all that keeps blocking me from seeing
That whenever my mum cried,
Her painful memories flowed away.

I have grown with ladies,
Those who acted like eggs,
So delicate in their making
That when touched broke down.

I was built like cement,
And watered with pride,
Not to speak of my weaknesses
Nor show them my pains.

Iam a man and not a woman,
I feel like we are one,
But again,
Why are we designed to hide pain?

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