I’m okay is so much easier to say.
For real tho. Simple. Few words.
Can be used interchangeably with good, fine, poa, sawa and other synonyms in different languages.
And all those other details are so ‘perfectly’ (perfectly) condensed. It sounds good to the ear too.
How was the party yesterday? It was okay. There were many familiar faces.
How is your brother who is admitted doing? He’s okay. Can’t eat and he has to be helped to go to the toilet but he’s fine.
How was work? It was okay. How was your day?
Leo uko aje? Niko poa. Or the other sort of cryptic response, ‘niko tu.’
Despite the simplicity of the response, the journey there wasn’t that simple. Who is this person to me? Do they need to know the details? I don’t want to tell them the details. What’s the point of giving that much detail? We don’t have time. I always reveal too much, wacha leo nikanyagie (let me let it slide). She never tells me anything about her life. I don’t want to talk about it, so let me just say I’m okay and we move on. I can’t talk to you about it.
Other times, it’s a pretty automatic response. Not much thought. So, I tell you everything, alafu (and then what)? Or maybe that’s actually the best way to describe the situation and answer! Or you’ve been asked, ‘How are you?’ so many times in just one day. ‘I’m okay’ is all there is to give.
Wanting to keep our lives private is usually another reason. Or to remain mysterious. Or it’s one of those, I can’t tell you because it is super-secret kind of situations.
I’m not okay (Niko mbaya/pabaya).I don’t feel well. Not good (siko poa). And others are also pretty simple but just like I’m okay, are behind a ton of details and info. Pretty much the same considerations are put in place in addition to: what was my previous experience when I said so, what will saying do to assist the situation? What is my relationship with the asker and what do I want from them? Do I really want to talk about it? Will I regret it? Will he think I want to use him if I tell the truth?
Sometimes, after all that thinking, you opt for ‘I’m okay!’ Story inadie (the story ends). If I was translating literally, that phrase would be too funny.
A simple courtesy question can get too complicated to answer.
Small talk can be cringe. And waaay boring or intrusive or many other things that I have and haven’t thought about.
Simple answers may be better. Minimal detail is diverged because of many becauses.
What’s behind your ‘I’m okay’?