One lonely soldier,
Stood on a battle field
The fight of her life ahead of her,
And a lifetime of memories behind her.
Her body and mind were at war with each other,
The mind, willing and desperate to live
The body, sick and withering away
Ravaged from within
By the silent and deadly cancer.
Around her were people just like her,
At war with the same enemy.
Some fighting with vigor,
Others awaiting the cool kiss of death.
But she with her sparse hair and bony frame
Looked into the mirror and said,
“One day, I will have a full head of hair.”
“One day, my clothes will fit and I won’t look like a scarecrow.”
“One day, I will be well.”
And on one sunny day,
In that sterile white office
The man behind the desk,
With a bald spot, a thick beard and a crisp white coat said
“You are in remission.”
And on that day,
She emerged the Victor of her war.
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