

I’d like you to speak.

Actually, it’s more than like. Sounds like an understatement at times. I’d love for you to speak. To speak to me. Tell me what goes on in your pretty brain. Pretty mighty brain I must say.


I would love to hear what is on your mind.


Am I going to accept what I hear?

Will I be non-judgemental?

Do I promise. No. Do I swear to keep my cool once I’m in the know?

How will I react to what I’ve found out after successfully penetrating your brain?


Will I abuse you?

Cancel you out?

Shun you?

Always hold it against you? You’ll never forget that you told me. Because I’ll remind you. That’s for sure.

Will I obsess about it?

Overthink all possible and impossible angles?


Will I wish I never knew?

Will I regret asking you and you answering Honestly?


So, I want you to speak but will I take it?

Do I really mean it? Do I really want to hear what you have to say?

Nataka kukuskiza kweli?

Nataka kupelekwa na rieng?


I might,

Be glad I finally know.

Heck, I’d be humbled you are opening up to me.

Hard pill, that’s for sure but you bet I’ll try to swallow it.

I might hope against all hope that you’ll speak to me again and tell me your truth.

I’ve heard the truth. Now what?







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