A Life of Love is a Life that’s been Lived

By Habil

Just like a broken mirror or a worn-out cloth
You just know it’ll never be the same again
How can you find joy in loss?
How can you grieve for a person still living?
Even after giving them love,
It was not enough for them
They still couldn’t want you
The feelings are blue
Because the time is due
Your mind will lie to the heart it has moved on
But the heart wants whatever it wants
Let your eyes cry the sorrow out
Because loving and losing isn’t easy
The worst part is if you felt unwanted
The soul will understand
It was a battle it couldn’t win
You’ll crawl, kneel, rise
But the scars of the heart will still remain
The heart is not easily convinced
Especially after betrayal
And so,
You hope for the best
As you await the worst

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