By Poet Rays
Most Nights am Usually Okay,
Some Nights,
am floating,
Not just existing anymore, am
hoping yet full of more hope,
But most Nights, I dunno
I don’t really understand where this heaviness Comes from,
it’s like an anchor I cant free off, So
I keep dragging around it,
I keep dragging what brings me down,
it’s like, Love did Chronically hurt me,
it’s like my heart has a Score to Settle,
But, you know what they say about Love;
Love always Wins,
well, that’s a Fact!
Ever feel like, you are stuck? like
every time you come up, You get sucked back in,
Cuz, I have been to the Upsidedown??
And every time, that
I come up,
I get sucked back in,
I guess am now giving in!
I guess am now Building a kingdom in here,
I don’t Know Guys,
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