By Jr_pieces

If eyes fade, unable to see beauty that’s been here for ages,
Skin scribbled like pages by wrinkles,
I hope touch still reminds you of youth,
Of smiles and mistakes made while young.

Growing doesn’t mean fading,
If anything, growing is the acceptance of changes,
That my eyes no longer see you clearly,
But I still picture you as beautiful as when we first met.

Love, is a permanent tumor embedded within us,
Grows in silence through sight at first then attitude that lasts.
To love you for all these years isn’t easy, isn’t hard,
It’s to believe in your hands my emotions I keep,
And in your mind my welfare you cherish,

To do the same on my side through sickness and health,
Till time decides, if not both of us then one to take,
And even in absence to remember of what it felt.
To grow old with you is a blessing in itself.

To see flaws that glow, to be bold and know,
That even within your weaknesses,
There’s someone who loves you much so.

So if eyes do fade to see beauty in our old age,
I hope the journey through love we partook is enough to remind you of my face,
Of my sacrifices, my faults and grace,
And that its never about how the seed grows but how the flower blooms,
And I am glad I shared my full life,
With you.


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