Dear African Woman,
For centuries you have been told
that your place is in the kitchen
You have been boxed to build your world
right in the shadows of men
And your gifts, they are buried with the umbilical chords
of your children yet to be born
You have worked the fields and cooked the meals
You have cared for the children and fed the men
You have been the backbone of this continent
You are the light that shines in the darkness
The beacon that restores hope into our hearts
The source of strength and courage
An embodiment of masculinity and feminity
The perfect being
You are the home keeper, the nation builder
the tear wiper, the smile giver
the support system and life line of the continent
You are more beautiful than a flower in the Savannah
Your smile is like falling snow on a drought striken land
Your kinky Afro is like the soft cushions of clouds in the sky
You are women of Virtue
I write this to encourage you
Never let no one break, hurt or discourage you know who you belong to.
And who deserves a Woman of your statue.
For Being black Is Exhilarating
And being a woman is Breathtaking but Being a Black Woman is an Honorary Identity that is Legendary.
©️ Omondi
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