Biased Supercomputer 1.

The brain is famously likened to a supercomputer. You got to admit, the brain is pretty impressive in its capacity and ability. Think of all the functions and responsibilities. 

The brain is known to receive and process a lot of information at a given time. This overwhelming amount of information needs to be processed and interpreted in a relatively short time. So what does the brain resort to doing? It takes shortcuts. Duh! Ergo Cognitive bias! 

Like all amazing things, our brains are limited, sorry for disagreeing with you Mr Kipchoge.

Cognitive bias in simple terms refers to the errors in thinking that we make as we process and interpret information around us. This bias is influenced by shortcomings in memory and attention, the need to simplify information in addition to the limited time we have to process info. 

Cognitive bias leads to poor decisions and judgements because objectivity lacks. 

When it comes to enacting, several biases work in tandem. 

I shall give one example of cognitive bias. Call it a strip tease if you may. 

Anchoring bias: this occurs when you rely on the first information you learned. You know, like when you first heard about the LGBTQI+ or when I tell you I am very good storyteller. Wink wink

To be continued…



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