By Sam Eldon

Was a rainy day,
Said you were cold that day,
So my jacket I gave away,
To you,
Didn’t know I gave away my heart too

Said it was love at first sight,
That night,
Couldn’t sleep well,
My head, my mind, my heart my soul all filled with delight.

But now,
Am seated in this dark room,
Just, reminiscing thinking,

of the promises we made,
Then love was flamboyant,
It eternal it seemed

I guess it’s clear,
Love is a scum
Then it was your turn
To give the back of your hand,
But I promise, mine turn shall come
It’s called Karma
And you always said, ‘karma is a bitch ‘

Remember the first I saw you?
Then with joy mine heart skipped,
Sound of your voice made my ears to leap,
I remember,
The birds chirping,
The little Kids around the block singing,
My thoughts ringing

But now,
Mine head is stained, with memories of yours
The love you gave, to me became mine fears
It was a fassured
Just a mirage,

Wish I never met you,
But no, I couldn’t have learnt
Wish I never loved you,
But then, hard hit would reality be,

Your pompous face, Which then I missed,
Has turned to my current torment Your wide bright smile,
Now looks like a smirk, you know I hate it

Farewell thee love,
A drug that pains,
A drug that hurts my heart and brain

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