By Gladys Gachanja

I see you
Staring out the window with a forlorn look
The morning sun casting warm shadows on your hazel eyes
But your face is as dark as a yawning grave.
You listen to the melodious chirping of morning birds.
The joyous screaming of kids running,
But they only sound like chaos.
Reminding you of the happiness that you can’t seem to find
You run away from the sun, so it doesn’t expose your secrets.
You dread meeting people because every fake smile that you offer,
Feels like your windpipe is crushing
Crushing like the way he dismantled your dreams with his lies
Sundown feels like miles away, pushed away by an unknown force.
You seek solace in the darkest nights because they match your emotions.
Wishing you could shed these heavy emotions like a reptile’s skin for just a night.
If only you could let me in
I saw the scars, but you told me he was just messing around with you
I saw your angelic smile that could light a galaxy replaced with a plastered one
You thought I couldn’t see the difference
You thought I was just another guy on the race to dismantle the little you had rebuilt
I was a coward to not ask you what was wrong
But I always watched you from a distance
Making sure you got home okay
Wishing I could carry the sorrow that weighs you down on my shoulders
and set you free like a bird on a spring morning
Even though our hearts are miles apart,
I see you
I hear you
I feel you

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