By Glady’s Gachanja

I am a contemporary woman, choking in societal outrageous hypocrisy.
Disgusted by your sneaky remarks on my bold lipstick
Talking in hushed tones how it makes me look cheap
You find my talk offensive, only because I say what’s on my mind.
You say I need not advance too much in life or I will lack a man to marry me
I guess you forgot I don’t care about your lazy sons,

Who say am too enlightened and bold for a woman,” it takes away your femininity” they say.
I feel tired of you dictating what I should do with my body
Mining the gold between my legs is considered selfish and immoral while letting a man quench his thirst from my glorious fountain makes me a slut.
Who carries a deed to my melanin-rich body?

eyes as clear as dawn, lips as full as the earth and subtle hips that leaves even the young boys staring.
I am a woman, with standards and needs that need to be fulfilled.
You must think so little of yourself if you think running your hands on me makes me irrelevant and elevates you.
I feel enslaved by your remarks, bitter that the fight for freedom from the women before me was all in vain.
I wish I had the voice of Martin Luther King and the defiance of Rosa Parks.
But I am neither, I’m just an ordinary girl caught up in a web of lies,
Laying in a pool of unspoken truths and everyday feels like I’m walking on a live wire,
Ready to explode.

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