Always with the Loud voices in my head
As the sun rises
Through the day
As the sun sets
Through the night

I’ve banged my head against the walls to have it stop
I thought if I rose my voice higher enough it would muffle
I thought if I pulled out the hair from my head it would stop
I thought if burst my ear drums open it would stop
I thought if I could run so fast I’d leave it behind
I’ve tried everything I could think of but the voices are stuck with me

To have the slightest of peace is all I’m asking
Except the voices won’t let me be
They’re so loud I can’t sleep
They’re so loud I can’t think
My mind isn’t my own 
For the voices have robbed it from me

Is the universe punishing me for something  I’ve done?
I wish it would be made known
I beseech the skies to hear my call
I’ll right my errors
The cruelty against me is more than I can bare

Whenever I walk over the bridge I think of jumping off it and flowing away  with the river below
Whenever I’m atop a building I’m tempted  to ride the winds and forget my sorrows
I’ve thought of ending it
I’m thinking of it right now….


Note: I can’t tell you I know your misery, I  can’t tell you to be strong for you’ve been fighting longer than I can Imagine.  But what I can tell  you is that you mean a whole lot to those who love you,  to those who care for you.  If you can’t find the strength to keep on fighting,  let them be your strength,  let them in on your misery.

Hope and faith creates paths in the least of places.  Dear,  you can get better,  you can get the help you need,  you don’t need to fight alone,  let us in,  lets fight with you,  let’s fight for you,  and together we shall triumph.  That I’m sure.


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