The daughters and sons of my motherland once chanted ;
“Our homeland of Kenya .Heritage of splendor .Firm may we stand to defend .”
But today, the voices that sang with one accord have become the coauthors of our land’s misfortune.
Rivers are running dry
Clouded days are invading
Plants and trees wither and their branches break in dryness
The fresh air that was once there is polluted .Do you think the sky is still blue ?
The sun was once a beautiful spectacle every morning and we knew we would harvest plenty when the time was due .
There was once a society with no intruders .When we knew what pure harmony was ,where are these days ?
Nature favored us in all aspects but today we are a lonely shore fighting the unknown
The sheer power of truth, diligence and competence melted in the hands of myopic leadership .
Life has been like a game of tarots in the bent system and laws
We are a sunken nation
So sunken in the dawn of doom
Religion , laws and beliefs have shrunk completely
Do we still have hopes for tomorrow ?
We once had established goals that we worked to achieve so as to light up the path for generations to come but the wind blew them off to a direction we know not
Today we are stuck on the page of pain , struggles, inequality,poverty ,illiteracy, joblessness ,corruption and pulley to them all is tribalism
The nation has grown venom and its sons and daughters have embraced fear
Silence suddenly sneaks in and snuffs smiles away
Do we have a voice ?
We are indeed a sunken nation that needs a clean slate to be salvaged
Finding our purpose is the first step to embrace
The most powerful weapon every human poses is “Voice”
Your caste, your religion or creed doesn’t matter . It is indeed time for a change !
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