African woman
Mother of civilization.
Oh beautiful woman,
Your Beauty is way beyond description.

African woman
Queen of the Bantu’s from Kamba
Jambo to all those in heaven
Blessed is any Dear Kamba Mama.

African woman
Royal Nubian Queen.
The backbone of her man
You’ll do anything to help him win.

Black Digo woman
Daughter of Africa.
Definition of a Chubby “Assfull” woman,
Dark hue of coffee Arabica.

African woman
Mother of humanity
The Noisy Queen from Abagusii,
Mama Africa’s bounty.

African woman
My Maasai Bride yaani simply my type.
First woman of Africa’s Eden
Center of God’s black tribe.

Luo woman
My Agal, Toto, Abebo, In General My Queen.
Envied by most women reason, Nyar Nam.
One Word, Cream of Africa’s Cream!

Curvy woman
In your womb lies Africa’s future.
My Luhya woman
Ndahuyanza, thus admiring your structure.

Kalenjin woman,
Perpetual envy of the silicon woman.
Pride of the Black man,
The essence of a real woman.

Gema Woman
Lillies of the African plains.
Thou are Eve of the African Eden,
Best of the portraits that nature paints.

Suba woman,
Full, thick natural lips.
Real assert of the Black woman,
Nature gets aroused by your hips.

Dark ebony Tesoo woman,
You are red, yellow and green.
Hanmatan wind stops at your command,
Born to slay and be seen.

African woman:
Thou are the only reason
God put Adam in a coma.
Your perpetual beauty transcends time and Season.
Under your cleavage, the Nile flows
And between your fingers, golden threads are woven,
You are the reason Rihanna glows.

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