Her heart body and soul have been the residence of pent-up emotions
Holding back her tears can only repress her agony
The world says she’s just an epitome of weakness
The woman in her weeps in despair
In the cold streets of abandonment she looms
Hope for a better future is dimming
Optimism to overcome is Vanishing
Her beautiful ocean eyes flinches from the light of comfort

A rare and beautiful sight she once was
She is now a rainbow without a rainfall
Perhaps her tears are invisible ….
She is a perfect result of ‘An eroded lover’
But will her heart quail from love forever ?
In her life she wishes to meet sculptures who shape emotions
She loved with no law of the heart to abide by
Perhaps her mysterious step was landing in forbidden love ?
With no knowledge she sank in a deadly devotion

In the cold room she seems lifeless
Their matrimonial bed symbolizes the love without fruition
Her pale body lies in the cold ground like a prey waiting for a predator
Regardless of the storms she knows that a bark bell of hope is not far fetched
Indeed ! Life is a game of tarots
A game of triumphs and troubles
Well, perhaps to be the best,
You have to beat the rest !


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