Theme: Infatuation
I still wonder how I got here,
Did I walk here blindly?
What happened?
Speak it to me,
Just how?
A man full of words,
Sweet coated and tasting,
Words that weakened my bones,
I hooked myself in my hook foolishly.
Why did I have to believe in your lies,
You pampered me with money,
Drove me to crazy orgasm,
But you were married,
A private vehicle.
Tainted life,
Romance and horror,
Terrible stormy heartbreak,
Thinking you get a pure angel,
Only to fall in the hands of a black devil.
© Wanda’s Ink Pen
® Wanda The Poet ✍️
Email: shokoshugitakeshi@gmail.com
Name: Kennedy Ochieng
Country Kenya ??
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