Some Facts You Should Know About Bipolar Disorder.


4 Myths You Shouldn't Believe About Bipolar Disorder – Cleveland Clinic

Some terminologies can be confusing. You tend to wonder what was wrong with the person who brought such terms into use. People who are not well informed often think that those who use such terms are against them or want to make them feel out of place and often request simpler jargon. But sometimes a synonym proves harder than the primary word. For instance, in our case, a simpler way to say ‘bipolar disorder’ is ‘manic-depression.’ This is another problem altogether. 


In our case, the problem is not the word ‘disorder’, for it is a household name to many of us. Instead, it is ‘bipolar’ that has forced us to hush it away. Bipolar simply means involving or having both extremes or poles at the same time. You might have heard of the polar regions in a Geography class or even in the school of life. So there are two extremes involved here, which are opposite each other. 


According to Oxford’s Dictionary, Bipolar Disorder is a psychiatric diagnostic category, previously called manic depression, characterized by mood swings between great energy (mania) and clinical depression. Another definition could be,  A disorder associated with mood swings ranging from depressive lows to manic highs (Mayo Clinic). It is a mental illness.


The exact cause of bipolar disorder isn’t known, but a combination of genetics, environment, and altered brain structure and chemistry may play a role. This means that someone may experience this disorder based on different reasons. For some, it could be transferred from the family genes, and to others, it could be caused by an overwhelming environment, while to others, it may be due to altered brain structure. If your family has a history of the same, chances could be that you may experience it. Over and above that, we should learn to keep our minds safe and committed to the truth about life. Avoid unnecessary minimization and maximization.


 As we have seen that an individual suffering from bipolar disorder is tossed between two extremes, we should have a clear distinction between the highs and the low. Manic episodes may include symptoms such as high energy, reduced need for sleep, and loss of touch with reality. Depressive episodes may include low energy, low motivation, and loss of interest in daily activities. When you see individuals full of life at some point in time, they get into a loud silence all of a sudden; it should be evidence of bipolar disorder. These mood episodes last days to months at a time and may also be associated with suicidal thoughts.


You may be asking a question that everyone is interested to know, “Is treatment possible?” It is essential to know that treatment is usually lifelong and often involves a combination of medications and psychotherapy. To put it straight, treatment can help, but this condition can’t be cured. This condition is Chronic: it can last for years or be lifelong. While it requires a medical diagnosis, Lab tests or imaging are not required. 


There are four types of bipolar disorders:


Bipolar I

 It is the most common of the four types and involves one or more manic episodes, with or without depressive episodes occurring. Its severity must require hospitalization and may last a week long.


Bipolar II

 Bipolar II disorder is characterized by fluctuating between the less severe hypomanic episodes and depressive episodes.


Cyclothymic disorder

Cyclothymia involves recurring mood shifts between depressive and hypomanic that persist for more than two years. The depressive and mania episodes do not meet the diagnostic criteria for bipolar disorder episodes. There may be periods of normal mood as well, but those periods last less than two months.


Unspecified bipolar disorder. 

Bipolar disorder not otherwise specified is present when the symptoms do not fit the other three categories but still involve episodes of unusual manic mood. It cannot be sufficiently categorized into the above three but have occurrences of manic mood swings.


Bipolar disorder is a difficult condition and may require a lot of patience and acceptance to handle. We may have them as spouses, relatives, family, etc., let’s learn to be more understanding and caring.

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