Why female students drink more

Why Female Campus Students are Drinking More Alcohol than their Male Counterparts_by Otieno Daniel Ouma

In one of her classes, Madam Miriam, my Biology teacher noted that she is surprised girls nowadays drink more than boys. She revealed that during her time in college, girls hardly drank alcohol and it was only a few third years who drank.
She claimed that this was a result characterized by either immorality, broken relationships and falling into bad company’s hands that introduced them to sponsors. She added that some were drinking to hit back at society because of cruel lives they might have led in their childhood.
I was skeptical of all this until joining campus. I even came to terms with generation Z revolutionizing a lot for the 21st century. In my encounter with a couple of campus students, my biology teacher words have come to fore.
I have witnessed how female students have floored their male counterparts in gulping down copious amounts of alcohol. This may due to the following reasons
Most Universities students suffer from Identify crisis. They go to university armed with a misled perception of a new free world that redefines them. This has led them to be enslaved by their own freedom. They find themselves in a period of uncertainty and bewilderment in which their sense of identity becomes unassertive, commonly due to a change in their expected aims or role in society, therefore propping up their curiosity which leads them to unnecessary enjoyment in testing waters. Most of female students prefer pleasure to problem solving. This is the cause of overlapped drinking.
Peer pressure tends to be appealing and susceptible to ladies. It is like a script they can’t just evade it. As a result of forming groups psychology, they aim at impressing the opposite gender or to be seen as fun and party some just to prove their social identity. Peer pressure also makes most of them believe that drinking is fancy, cool and legit
Social media and celebrities influence Social media also plays a role portraying unnecessary happiness as partying and drinking. Most of the female students tend to be easily influenced by the behaviors of their idol celebrities, leading them to imitate their actions. Psychology says, Social media can lead to fear of missing out(FOMO).FOMO is a phenomenon that occurs when you feel pressure to be doing what everyone else is doing, attend every event, and share every life experience. It can evoke anxiety and disconnection with the real world. Something our brains really want: the opportunity for what’s called “seeking behavior.” We’re born hunter-gatherers, and in a way, social media activates that instinct and gives you an emotional buzz. This results to more campus ladies drinking than their male counterparts. Depression or stress is has a little impact on them drinking a lot as addressed by several of students.
Drinking is a personal choice. The remedy comes from within. Whatever you prioritize thrives. The only solution to the jeopardy of drinking for students is to rebirth their values and necessary principles.
@Danish Mudondo Jnr 2021

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