The moment I tried to be nice to you
I was really not in love
At this moment I’m not that nice but
I’m in love with you
I’ve not uttered any phrase of affection
’cause my actions have spoken

You look so insipid to be in love
Look at my face!
Why do I keep falling in love with wrong
Is love not made for me?
I keep on paying for the cost of loving
more than the price of living

I have no one to follow
Because my heart is hollow
There is no offence for the price
’cause there is no difference in surprise
I knew you loved me but I never felt it

You kept all your secrets away from me
Then you claimed that it was because
You loved me
What kind of love is this?
I vehemently assured you that
I’ll love you forever!

The house can’t stand for itself
The cracks on its wall are too deep
It’s because you never took precautions
You always ignored the veracity
I’m not only disappointed but also
Running away from our problems
Is how you pay for the oath you took

Is escaping from drought better than
Seeking help in violence?
All the sources you depended on
Have tied up your hands
Just the way you tied up my heart
Converge within you and think about your
Path ’cause you’ve already lost me

How would your next universe of love
Be like?
You treated me like a slave
I tried to endure the pain but the
Bondage was too much
I admit that it overwhelmed me
Of course I know you’ll never find
Someone created like me

Good bye!
Let me redefine myself
Because I’m still undefined
All I need is redemption not a good man
Because I must recuperate first
But I’m still deeply broken!

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