That which was supposed to heal me broke me.
Looking at her,
I didn’t recognize her.
She didn’t have the face of love,
that my woman always had.
This woman had the kind of face,
That made me want to take a break from life.
No, she wasn’t the woman I had loved all these years.
That woman who had stood before me,
Was a stranger,
And it broke my heart,
Because she looked like the woman I once loved.
My woman was always rational;
She always knew,
When to and not to make some decisions.
That woman understood,
what it meant to be kind.
And the woman before me,
She would never be the love of my life…no;
She wasn’t,
She was an impostor.
I had fallen in love,
But love pushed me off a cliff,
Without caring how hard the fall would be.
Love was supposed to protect,
But the woman,
who had the face of love in my life,
Had taken it upon herself,
To take away everything and everyone,
All that had meant something to me.
Maybe I had not loved her enough,
And maybe my love couldn’t make her whole,
But did she really have to betray me like that?