What If You Listened?

The rainbow in the night was beautiful then,
I never thought I’d see it ever,
But that night on my way home,
I saw the impossible of them all,
Maybe I should have been keen,
Maybe I should have started packing,
Because that was the first time,
I knew you would never listen.

The moon stared at me happily,
As if to encourage the broken girl,
Like it knew the horrors that would come,
The pain that would rip me from the inside,
The loneliness and anger that would follow,
I wanted you… Want is too strong, right?
But I always had that one wish from you,
Even when I knew you would never grant it.

What if I told you that you were my always?
What if I let you into my chaos?
What if I proved how important you were?
What if the world saw me and you?
Would you embrace me like you always did?
Would you tell them I was like family?
Would you tell them about our love?
Would you tell them of our forever?

See, I knew that from the beginning,
That I was never important,
I never wanted to overstay my welcome,
Even though you said I was family,
I was just another baggage to you,
Another one you needed to rid of,
But society was watching you,
Funny how you kept me like a stray dog.

Tell me something, nana,
If I told you my heart was hurting so bad,
Would you have listened even once?
Would you look at the kid left in your care?
Would you overlook everything I did?
I don’t seek credit for anything,
But Nana, I met a diary today,
And I was told to express my hurt in it.

What if you listened, though?
When I told you what methuselah did,
How she traded me for pennies,
To her ageless sloppy seconds,
How she threatened me all the time,
How she explained I was doing it for you,
Funny how despite it all,
You were the one to punish me for it.

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