Are We Just Friends?

If we’re just friends
why do you always come to mind,
It’s like you’re a phone call a way
When I’m about to call you that’s when you actually call
The pop up of you’re notifications excite every nerve in me

If we’re just friends
why do you always take me out
To my favorite eating spots
I’m comfortable being myself with you around
You surely know how to make me smile

If we’re just friends
why do l sulk when you aren’t in the vicinity
It just feels like a part of me is missing
Not knowing where you are gives me sleepless nights
Most nights l wait for you to say sleep well pretty

If we’re just friends
why do you make me feel so special
It’s like each day l await your compliments
You brighten my world with your presence
You simply know what to say
I recall your words like my name

If we’re just friends
why do l get mad when you hang out with other people
It’s like l only want you for myself
I want to know how your day was
That’s the only thing that keeps me sane
It’s like you’re there without you being there

If we’re just friends
why do l always hear your voice in your absence
Telling me that you like my outfit
Teasing me on my new look
Reminding me that I’m beautiful and l matter
I mean is this what friends tell each other?

If we’re just friends
why are you the only person who checks on me early morning
Randomly saying that you just called to wish me a good day
I thought that’s what love birds usually do
Is it you or is it me?
My life is in a limbo since you came

If we’re just friends tell me
Maybe I’m the one who is falling for you unknowingly
Maybe I’m the one misreading you intentions
Maybe I’m the one craving for something that can’t be
So if we’re just friends tell me before l go crazy over you..

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