Her Game Of Hearts

Seated on the bed,
With her head between her knees,
Was the girl I used to know.
She looked so lost and hurt,
And for a second,
My heart broke for her,
But then I knew better.

All of this,
All this pain, … And her looking,
Like she had her world snatched away,
All of this was just a trick,
To get me to stay,
To be the man she needed,
But the man she never wanted.

She had played this card,
More times than I could count.
It was a technique,
That she had mastered so well,
The art of manipulation,
That got me bending so low to her wells,
Yet each time,
Despite me hoping that she would love me,
She never changed,
And this time,
I wasn’t going to stay.

I should’ve wanted to be her comfort,
Told her she would be okay,
But what was the point,
When each time,
She would break me beyond fixing,
And make me feel like shit,
For calling her out onto it?

I fell in love with a girl,
Who didn’t know the difference,
Between love and obsession,
And my fragile heart,
Paid the price for it.

Maybe that’s why seeing her,
Here on my bed,
Didn’t trigger me as much.
After all,
It was just a game,
A game of hearts,
One that my heart had lost,
From the very beginning.

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