In This Busy World

On that cold rainy night,
When you put your umbrella,
Over my wet and shivering body
The fire began.

Sparks later, parts of me that felt dead,
Started blooming with pretty roses
Where have you been all this while?

Two dates later,
We danced to an old, slow song,
My heart pounded, differently,
Like a heart attack,
Where were you all this while?

Two months later,
On a road trip,
Somewhere, only we know,
We kissed under the hot sun,
That’s when I knew I was gone,
Where have you been?

Two years later,
My baby bump is starting to show,
Our love brought forth,
Something beautiful,
I look at you napping on my lap,
And I can’t help but love you more.

Like clouds heavy with water,
You rained love,
Support, and affection on me,
When you shone as a rainbow,
I’m glad I wasn’t colorblind.

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