Her Angel

“The day we met for the first time,
I could feel my heart beating loudly,
Even from a far mile.
I was in my dark moments –
Caught up in my nightmare.
An angel was sent,
And he promised to never leave me.”

The sadness that comes when the heart is lost,
The tears that well up, every single night
The doubts that arise, thinking all hope is lost –

The rain will scream louder than her tears,
The pillow will hug her tight.
The stars will drift her thoughts away.
And the sun will bring a new day –
Now, she has him, and he brings everything along.

“When I remember the times we’ve spent, I begin to smile –
At the countless nights we’ve stayed up, gazing at the stars.
At the times you made me laugh so hard, my cheeks hurt.
At the comforting promises you made to me – which you never broke.
At the times we played like kids in the rain,
At the times I found peace in your shoulders.
If I had to make a wish, I’d wish that
you’d be mind, till the end of time. ”

With every memory, with every smile.
She can no longer feel pain – he took it away.
And now, she’s got a story.
A beautiful one.

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