My Heroine

Love hurt me once,
But I let it heal me the second time.
My nurse had come along,
With love and care, my heart was stitched up.
You stopped the bleeding,
And I haven’t stopped smiling.
You made me better,
A better goal-getter.
Life took a new shape for me; a fine one.
Indisputably, in your heart is my love hospital.

‘..if you didn’t come, I would have died.
I dug my grave with my heart’s hand,
Closer to six feet because I had hope;
Hope that someone will save me.
My screams; that was your cue.
Like my Christ, you came to my rescue.
Stretching out your hands to pull me,
You smiled and saved this me.

To think I almost fought my salvation,
But stronger was the energy in you,
Now I’m definitely drawn to you.
I’m here deeply in love with my heroine,
Who came along and saved my dying love-life.

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