Strange Feeling

Your look gives me butterflies in my stomach,
Your smile brings a fool out of me,
Your lips overshadow my pains,
This feeling are way strong than written,
They are unique and strange.

A morning without your shinny face,
A day without your smile,
A night without your cuddle,
A dream without you in it,
Has proven my life empty.

I look at you, I see my world,
I watch my life flourish in your eyes,
I see us in the forever world,
I see you in my nourishing world,
I see the strange feeling working miracles.

I want your complexion besides me,
I want you walking majestically with me,
I want more of this strange feeling,
I want to fall for you over and over,
I want this feeling to last.

I believe you’re my destiny,
Destiny has brough you to me,
The strange feeling tells it all,
I believe in this strange feeling,
I believe our lives will be cheery together.

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