Hopeful that tomorrow would be better
Holding on to the belief
That broken can be mended
Confident that we would mature
We held on longer than we should have.
The sex was great, the chemistry ablaze
The conversations to die for
Mistaking that for love and commitment
Believing that we had it under control
We stayed longer than we should have
The changes started gradually,
Therapy didn’t fix crap,
For change is bound to happen
And out of fear, and inability to adapt
We stayed longer than we should have
You have to fight for what you love
You can’t just throw it all away
You don’t walk away from people you love
And in the name of love
We fought longer than we should have.
And like a project worth millions of dollars
We gave it our all to make us right, good, better, functional
So we could appear in public as perfect
But with all perfect things, a slight flaw hits hardest
And we fixed longer than we should have.
As I reminisce about who we were then
It’s a funny truth to accept
That staying longer than we should have,
Messed, broke, tore, damaged us, and in the long run,
Made healing
take longer than it should have.