REALITY DATES (Abdul ft Osprey)

I stand at the edge of life, madness eclipsed to my mind,

I struggle to smile, to hide a bitter smitten heart,
I want to stay, but you won’t let me, I understand.
I wanted us to embark on a journey to the lovers’ dreamland
But you killed all the affection you had for me,
My hopes were really high you know, saddened.
I was enjoying the exhilarating emotional space walk,
But now I’m all left floating in the darkness of the lonely cosmos.
I know I messed up at the beginning of our story,
But just like every man who realises his mistakes late,
I’m still holding on, hoping you would look my way,
Even when it’s obvious I wouldn’t get that pleasure again.
Reality is not doing me any good, my punishment vast,
I can’t stand the simple fact that you now belong to another,
I guess I was just so wrapped in my fantasies of you,
That I forgot to take care of you, my charming regret.
Though I’ve got a great defiance against pain,
I can’t stand the feeling associated with letting you go,
I never thought that you would go and leave me crumbling,
Yes, I admit I wanted to stay away before, but now,
Now I want you as close as possible, to stay forever in my arms,
You’re essential to me and I hope it’s not too late,
I’m not expecting you to forgive me sweetheart,
I just want you to forget and give me a second chance.
But now I have a date with the harsh reality of me without you,
The rocky terrain of my life draining away, probably,
Something that I have to live with, troubled waters,
I bet I have you to thank, for forcing the spikes down my throat,
The very spikes I delicately roughed on your skin,
Well it was fun while it lasted, however rough I’m strung,
And my pained gratitude for the exquisite reality dates,
With my only regret being unable to correct that which I did wrong.

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