Love huh? Funny how we claim to be in love,
When our hormones are most probably high,
And have us acting out, sometimes so desperately,
But what is love really? Is there a definition yet?
With my desperation now, I think I only need one.
One that does explain why my mind is blowing up,
At the sight of this stubborn, harsh, little human,
And why my eyes are so focused on those full lips, damn.

I know she is mine, because she was sold to me,
As a bargain for more power, by both our fathers.
She looks feisty, just my type, and I’m suddenly curious,
If she’s also feisty there, I’ll definitely explore that ha.
She’s the same one I met last night at the butcher’s bar,
The one who angrily slammed her lips on mine, at hello,
Yeah, caught me by surprise too, totally and utterly off-guard,
Now that I see her here, I understand her desperation.

As she is dragged to my plane, she didn’t want to come,
Realization hits me like a tow truck, we’ve met just a day,
Yet I’m attracted to her, when I don’t even believe in love.
That stuff is really messed up, explains my one night stands,
Just casual hook ups, zero feelings equals zero attachments.
Yet I’m actually falling, falling for my year’s prize, my trophy,
One that I didn’t have to sweat for, disgusting yet charming.
That was seven months ago, and there’s been changes, a lot.

She’s so beautiful, stunning as always, my perfect baby,
But has a forced smile, and I can feel her pain, all of it.
She looks at me, her face full of resentment and disgust,
And I understand her, all my doing even if it hurts lots.
This right now, is what I wanted from her, but did I really?
For her protection I would cross the barren lands if I had to,
Only that today, and the coming days I had to do this for us,
I had to make her hate me, my only option. Love hurts.

I’m scared of losing her, but if I don’t do this, I definitely will.
I think of what I have to do, what I’ve been doing for a week,
And my nose scrunches in disgust, I feel like a puppet, for him.
I’ve had to lie to her, push her way, claim my love was false,
Something we both know is not close to the truth. Pained.
I have made her feel more than pathetic, just like a bargain,
My heart sinks as I break my untold promise to my love,
So I try to console myself, soon she will be mine, as always.

I see her pain, I feel it too, the pain of this stupid sacrifice,
The pain of a crushed little beautiful heart that is in pieces,
Of the hell she has to endure, for both of us at least, for now.
I know this is selfish, but I’m in love with her, my woman Lexi,
Even though she has seen me with her, who’s has no name,
She’s watched me kiss her, passionately. I forced her to,
I have to push her away, away from our love, from us,
So far so that when he comes, she would be safe from him.

But I know my angel’s determination, my feisty love,
Part of the many things that attracted me to her,
And I know somehow that this is right, if I don’t do this,
She won’t believe me, I’m just hoping we’ll be okay,
When all this is done. Oh the things I would do for mine. 

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