What if we never met, would we have loved?
Would my heart still beat so fast at a reminder of you?
Would our lives be different, and how?
Would we have had different perceptions?
What would have been of our shattered hearts?
And the pain we felt, would it still hurt?
Or would everything stay normal and boring?
Would the universe still bring our scraps together?

But we met and unfortunately fell in love.
Our love, was one of a kind, a special love,
An intense, passionate and crazy love.
A love that saw the mountains and valleys,
Hills and basins, the trees and vegetation,
And nature pave way for you and I.
We were the envy of the young in love,
Despite being among the young ourselves.

I’d say we lasted long, twas eighteen months,
The months that gave me life, and taught me love,
That had me in paradise, the best of feelings.
The months that saw my life take a wild turn,
The wild that nobody could tame, but you.
Then we lost our way, and the distance grew,
The distance between our hearts, quite sad.
And us, was destroyed back to you and I.

Damaged is what happened to the us.
I’d blame you, but it was a while,
And it would be pointless to rekindle,
The flame that you blew off yourself.
The dark that you left me in and that too,
With the knowledge I had nyctophobia.
And I forced myself out, and all through,
Regretting and wishing I saw the signs earlier.

Time went by, and for six years I made my peace.
Until fate put into action another plan for us.
Six years, that’s how long it took for me,
To finally stumble upon a figment,
A piece, of what was once us, our love.
The harsh reminder of what we used to be,
The forced flashback of what we had,
Of everything we shared in the name of love.

Six years of breaking hearts, of destruction,
The years of zero commitment to love.
Seventy two months of unanswered questions,
The months that yielded doubts, of lost trust,
That only tore into pieces, the pieces left.
The memories of what became of us, no closure,
Of before us broke, the memories of our romance.

The memories of the betrayal faithfully come,
And anger threatens to mar all I’ve worked for.
The tear glands are dry, the eyes worn out,
Nothing can be felt for the heart bled out.
I’m once again reminded of what I was with you,
A true lover, and maybe I miss you, but what if?

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